Nine Considerations When Choosing a Medical Advocate

March 17, 2023

Ophthalmologist's Department
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~ William James

Nine Considerations When Choosing a Medical Advocate

Figuring out what is best for you and your health takes a reasonable amount of consideration paired with action.

When choosing a medical advocate, it is essential to review the following:

  1. Credentials
  2. Price
  3. Personality
  4. Age
  5. Gender
  6. Experience
  7. Location
  8. Accessibility
  9. Availability

Let’s unpack each below!

Nine Considerations When Choosing a Medical Advocate

1. Credentials

Understanding the credentials of those caring for you as their medical advocate is essential.

Are they a volunteer? Just someone you know? A CNA? Or an RN?

Do they have an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, or a Masters? Finding out the credentials of those that will be assisting you is imperative.

If you want the best care, consider someone with higher credentials (for example, a registered nurse).

2. Price

Do you desire the highest level of care? That will come with more expense.

Here at Your Medical Advocate, we charge $89.99/hr for our medical advocacy service. We understand not everyone can afford the price, but you get what you pay for.

We provide registered nurses with at least 5+ years of experience in the medical field.

Determining how much you can afford is imperative in paying for medical advocacy services.

Take time to write out a budget, the average appointments you need each year, and how much you have to pay.

3. Personality

What is their personality like?

It would be tough having a bubbly, outgoing medical advocate for someone who is quiet and doesn’t like to talk.

Figuring out the personality of your medical advocate is imperative for building a long-term relationship and making the use of the service enjoyable.

By understanding yourself, you can better understand what personality you would like your medical advocate to possess.

4. Age

Determining the relative age of your medical advocate will give you more confidence.

Are you more skeptical? Having a medical advocate in their 20s may not be the best solution. If this is the case, you will want someone with more experience.

By understanding the relative age you would like in your medical advocate, you will have greater confidence and assurance going into each appointment.

5. Gender

If you have an appointment that may be embarrassing for you to share with someone from the opposite sex, then you may want to consider someone of the same sex.

It will be much more comfortable going into a more personal appointment involving specific tests and data (based upon the sex of the individual) with someone of the same sex than someone of a different gender.

6. Experience

How much experience has your medical advocate had? 5 years? Ten years? 20+ years?

Figuring out the number of years you would like your medical advocate to have in the work field will help provide peace of mind as they accompany you into your appointments and guide you through your health care visits.

7. Location

Where are you located? Are medical advocacy services willing to send someone your way? Are they willing to transport you where you need to go (nearby, across, or out of state)?

It is essential to understand the location of the company you are trying to reach and how far they are willing to offer their services.

Here at Your Medical Advocate, we expand where our services are needed. We work quickly to get you the help you need.

8. Accessibility

Is your medical advocate accessible? Can you keep in touch with them if you have any questions? Is there a platform to have direct contact? Or do you have to go through the company?

Finding the answers to these questions is essential.

At Your Medical Advocate, we provide the ability for a registered nurse and the client to be connected through the app, offering communication directly to the registered nurse at any time.

9. Availability

How often is your medical advocate available? Are they able to do weekends if necessary? Do they have flexible hours to accompany you in future appointments?

It is essential to understand their availability daily, throughout the week, and the month.

The more appointments your medical advocate can accompany you to, and the more flexible they are with hours, the greater the chance of building a relationship and comfortability in having an advocate who assists you and a friend to come alongside you.

Take the Next Step & Join Your Medical Advocate

Now that we have reviewed the nine considerations when choosing a medical advocate, we would encourage you to read the following articles:

Your Medical Advocate has the registered nurses to help you provide clarity and understanding in your doctor appointments through our empathetic and professional approach.

Download our app and get started today!

Lance VanTine

Founder & CEO