Streamline Your Memory Care Unit with Your Medical Advocate

Looking for a reliable solution to manage your memory care unit's staffing, growing demand, and complex systems? Look no further than our comprehensive service, designed to help you streamline your operations and provide the best care possible for your patients.


Are you struggling with...


Finding quality registered nurses and retaining them for the long term


Growing demand and scaling seems impossible

Operational overhead

Data and administration across multiple systems leads to high operational overhead

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Partner with YourMA

On a contractor basis, we work alongside memory care units for an annual price of $49,999/yr. This price includes the following:

Certified Registered Nurses

Our registered nurses also provide transportation to and from your patient's appointments. Through our app, pickup can be scheduled prior to the appointment and all necessary details (such as address) are stored safely and securely.

Technology Platform

The power of our partnership comes through our proprietary technology platform. Through our all-inclusive mobile app, our registered nurses can easily find their appointments, patient details, and communicate directly with patients or their loved ones. All recorded information by a registered nurse is stored safely and securely in the app and made available instantly to the patient and their loved ones.

About Us

Learn about our story and how we came to be.

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Educate and inform yourself on topics such as medical advocacy, our services, and more.

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Memory Care Units

We partner with memory care units to provide Registered Nurses and a HIPAA-compliant technology platform for scheduling and note taking.

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What our patients say

"This is a wonderful service. I just moved to Michigan, and I’ve never heard of such a service. My nurse was very friendly and caring. She made sure I was doing okay at all times, and helped me in and out of the car and to the door."


Client from Michigan

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"I really enjoy this service. I used it for my father, and I would definitely use it again for my mother. I was able to stay at work, and still be informed."


Working Adult Child

"Mary was a hit! My patient loved her. Thank you!"



"This is a much-needed service. I have had many patients in need of a medical advocate throughout the years.”

Dr. Tom

Board of Advisors

Free Consultation

Fill in your contact information below to receive a free call with our Founder, Lance VanTine.

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